
Espace membre


AEDBF/EVBFR-Belgium offers a Grant (up to EUR 10,000) to Belgian based students, researchers or young legal professionals, seeking to advance their financial law studies or research projects or their stays at a chosen foreign university or research centre. The grant is aimed at the above mentioned persons interested in the field of financial law in the broad sense and who seek to contribute to its development in Belgium upon the completion of their studies abroad.

Deadline for application is 31 January of the year in which the academic year is envisaged.

Requirements and procedure for application are detailed in the AEDBF GRANT rules.

AEDBF-BE Grant Alumni:

2022: Arnaud Van Caeneghem

2023: Michelle Willaert

2024: Alicia Ghislain and Pieterjan Heynen


André-Pierre André-Dumont

Kristof Macours
